Running a successful business requires an efficient team that is capable of working together to achieve common goals. However, building a strong team and improving communication is not always an easy feat. That's where Eagle Business Coaching, a certified business coaching and consulting firm in Edmonton, Alberta, comes in.
Our team of certified business, workplace, and leadership coaches are dedicated to helping businesses communicate and succeed. In this blog, we will reiterate how business coaching can help you put together a strong team that communicates effectively.
Growing a business and expanding into new markets can be a daunting task, and it requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and expertise. As a certified business, workplace, and leadership coaching initiative, we understand the challenges that come with scaling operations and market expansion. That is why we are here to help you grow your business and achieve your goals with the help of our coaching services.
In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of working with a business coach for scaling operations and market expansion, with a particular focus on Eagle Business Coaching, a certified business coaching and consulting firm in Edmonton, Alberta.
As a certified business, workplace, and leadership coaching service, we've worked with countless business owners and executives in a variety of industries. Over the years, we've seen first-hand how challenging it can be to attract and retain top talent, especially in an increasingly competitive job market.
That's why at Eagle Business Coaching, we've designed our coaching programs to help business owners revamp their talent acquisition and management experience, ultimately increasing profitability, improving efficiency, and aligning with their values and purpose. In this blog post, we'll dive into the benefits of working with a business coach, specifically when it comes to talent acquisition and management.
Do you consider yourself a leader or a boss? Do you lead people or just tell them what you want done without any consideration or explanation? Do you encourage and develop your team, or do you use criticism and protect your own interests?
When it comes to running a business, it’s essential that you have a growth mindset to make the most of every opportunity presented to you. A growth mindset is something that so often gets overlooked by business owners; nevertheless, it is vital for all business owners, managers, and staff to possess.
Business success today is dependent on many factors, and one of these is the proper organization of business processes. This includes documents, equipment, tools, and the personnel involved.
It’s important to maintain a level of flexibility in the organization of your business, from A to Z. Disorganization can lead to stunted growth and development in a business. However, proper organization of business can guarantee a level of success, as it ensures that you take the necessary steps in managing your business venture.
Como nos pasó a todos, el año 2020 (nuestro cuarto año de operación) llegó a esta historia con una radical y disruptiva transformación.
Lo inimaginable sucedió y por varios meses el mundo entero se detuvo. Mis clientes, al igual que yo, cesaron sus operaciones y estaban confinados al núcleo de sus hogares, lo que despertó en mí una inquietud aún más grande: la siguiente vez que hable con ellos (lo que iba a suceder en contadas horas o días), las conversaciones seguramente iban a tener un matiz de miedo, incertidumbre y pesimismo. Recuerdo haber sentido preocupación, e incluso temor, los mismos que se desvanecieron cuando me dije a mí misma: ahora ellos me necesitan más que nunca, por lo que debo estar en mi mayor esplendor, estado mental, nivel de productividad y genialidad.
Ahora que he compartido con ustedes el propósito de mi empresa, quiero contarles que el nombre fue inspirado en una leyenda que escuché de la boca de un indígena norteamericano en un Pow-Wow (celebración indígena que incluye ayuno, oraciones especiales, danzas y fiesta), y que generó en mí un episodio de reflexión profunda que duró por meses, y por el que estaré eternamente agradecida.
Dice la leyenda que las águilas son las más longevas de las aves, llegando a vivir alrededor de 70 años. Cuando estas alcanzan los 40 años de edad, sus garras, picos y plumas se han deteriorado por el uso, llevando a las aves a tomar una decisión determinante en sus vidas: deshacerse de ellos para propiciar el crecimiento de unos nuevos, o morir debido a que estos órganos ya no les sirven para cazar, alimentarse, o volar de manera efectiva. Si toman la primera opción, y con el objeto de no convertirse en presas fáciles de otros depredadores, las águilas deben remontarse a los lugares más altos e inaccesibles de una montaña y allí, arrancarse una a una sus plumas y garras; y al final, forzar el desprendimiento de su pico al golpearlo contra las rocas. Un proceso humillante y terriblemente doloroso sin duda, que además deja al monarca de los cielos convertido en un miserable ser vivo, totalmente vulnerable e incapaz de hacer lo que mejor sabe hacer: cazar y volar. El ave se auto exilia para en el frío, soledad y silencio, experimentar un renacimiento con el que sabe que podrá remontarse nuevamente en lo más alto del firmamento hasta el final de sus días.
Now that the purpose of my company has been revealed, I am going to share the source of its name, Eagle Business Coaching. It comes from a legend that I heard from the mouth of a North American Indigenous in a Pow-Wow just months after arriving in Alberta. His storytelling skills impressed me, but the legend itself triggered in me an episode of deep reflection that lasted for months, and for which, I will be eternally grateful.
Time has always seemed enigmatic to me due to its intriguing way of adapting to the emotions and circumstances we experience, even though it often happens in a way that is opposite to what we would like it to. The funniest and most intense moments seem to be very short, and in contrast, suspense and uncertainty seem to enjoy incomprehensible longevity. However, if we quantify it, we would only be talking about hours, minutes, or seconds. In this context, I must confess that the last five years have been as short as the happiest day of my life, and as long as the most uncertain.